To start using ALTO, complete several steps described below.

The overall installation process comes down to:

  1. Add ALTO to your Slack workspace
  2. Connect ALTO with GitLab/GitHub

1. Add ALTO to your Slack workspace

Visit and click the top right corner button "Add to Slack" to run the installation process.

Frame 5.png

You will be asked to provide access to ALTO, this time to your Slack workspace.


ALTO will need a number of scopes to operate. Check the table below for details:

channels:read view basic information about public channels in a workspace
chat:write post messages in channels and conversations
chat:write.public send messages to channels Alto isn’t a member of
commands allows usage of /alto command
groups:read view basic info about private channels ALTO has been added to
im:history view messages in direct messages that ALTO has been added to
im:read view basic info about direct messages that ALTO has been added to
mpim:read view basic info about group direct messages that ALTO has been added to
users.profile:read view profile details about people in a workspace
users:read view people in a workspace

Once you give your approval, ALTO will be installed in your workspace and you will receive a welcome message.

2. Connect ALTO to GitLab, GitHub

The welcome message that ALTO sends you will have two buttons that allow you to link ALTO with GitLab and GitHub so that you can use its features, such as repository monitoring and reminders, later on.

Click Connect GitLab or Connect GitHub to link it with ALTO. After connecting your code hosting service: you’ll receive a success message in Slack. After that, you can add a GitLab/GitHub repository (the link will redirect you to the website).



Note: The connection link may eventually expire. If you need to run the connection process later, you can use the command /alto connect gitlab to receive a new link or connect to your code hosting service through the web application.